Bushmeat reviewed in the New York Times

“Bushmeat” by Theodore Trefon This book from Trefon, a researcher steeped in Central African culture, explores deforestation, conservation, law enforcement and other topics tied to the bushmeat trade, a huge problem that through poaching and infectious diseases has ripple effects well beyond the areas where it happens. Foreign Affairs called the book an “excellent introduction” to a difficult subject.

Link here - file:///C:/Users/ttrefon/OneDrive%20-%20Africamuseum/Bureaublad/Bushmeat%20New%20York%20Times.pdf

Reviewed in Foreign Affairs

The journal Foreign Affairs reviewed our book, here's the link. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/bushmeat-culture-economy-and-conservation-central-africa

The journal Africa has just published Jack Jenkins’ review of Bushmeat. Here’s the doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0001972023000670.

The journal Africa has just published Jack Jenkins’ review of Bushmeat. Here’s the doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0001972023000670.


Dear Dr. Trefon-

Just a quick note to say that I very much enjoyed reading your recent book on Bushmeat. It's also an invaluable resource for a class on One Health I offer here at FSU.

Congratulations on a great book and best of luck in your endeavors!



Eric C. Shattuck, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Florida State University

Department of Anthropology

Carraway 224

909 Antarctic Way

Tallahassee, FL 32304

Interview with Bonobo Conservation Initiative


Bushmeat in WCS Newsroom


Bushmeat in NatGeo

The June NatGeo issue has a beautifully illustrated story of the bushmeat trade in Central Africa. It reveals the social and environmental challenges to sustainable wildlife management. The photos of bushmeat traders, hunters, Indigenous Mbuti and the Maluku/Kinshasa river port give life to the ‘From Forest to Table’ framework designed and implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society.

EcoHealth bushmeat article

The article by Sagan Friant et al. ‘Eating Bushmeat Improves Food Security in a Biodiversity and Infectious Disease “Hotspot”’ EcoHealth volume 17, pages125–138 (2020) gives interesting arguments about why community-driven initiatives can help understand and address the bushmeat crisis.

Keywords: Bushmeat; Ecosystem services; Food security; Nigeria; Nutrition; Zoonoses.

Interview at AfricaMuseum Tervuren

Discover the main takeaways of the Bushmeat book in this interview published by AfricaMuseum.